Everybody who attended the Saturday 50th Reunion Banquet was invited to come to Janet and Allan's house Friday night to see the golfers get their prizes.
Hosts Allan and Janet Bridgford
Dick Foster too
Charle Hass, Gary Minnis, Gordon Crilly
Vonnie and Gary Johnson
Rosie Bagby Houghton and husband Ed
Shirley Foster Hass, Barbara Richards Lae, Patti Quist Johnson
The following pictures were provided by Sally Jones Canning.
Shirley Foster Hass and Shirley McConaughy Ranabauer (Roger Butler in background)
Jerry Cook (Lynn Stafford's husband) and John Canning (Sally Jones' husband)
Ted Sullivan awards the golf prizes.
Anita Mills Johnson and Lynn Stafford Cook
Danny Doss, Shirley Foster, Anita Mills, Lynn Stafford, Jerry Cook
Patti Quist and Gary Minnis watch the awarding of the prizes.
Close-up of same crowd with Virginia Goble at right
Alan Bridgford wins for something.
Don Kraemer is a winner too.
Gene Jones Matthews gets to choose a prize.
Art Schade gets a prize for "Worst Golfer"?